I am delighted that you took the time to visit the official page. Thank you!
I hope you find it entertaining and exciting.
I am constantly working to make this site, and my books, better. I offer this forum to you as a way to share your thoughts and any questions/suggestions that you might have.
I am glad that you found your way here to the forum page, but there might be some people who need a little help navigating.
The HOME page is dedicated to any and all current releases.
The CHARACTERS page is where you can learn a little about each character from their respective series. Click each character to view some pics and a short bio.
If you are browsing from a desktop, hover over BOOKS to see a listing of other currently available publications. If you are viewing from mobile, tap the + to open the category.
The BLOG page is, well, a blog. I'm not very good at blogging, but I do what I can. There you can see what I am up to and where I am on this journey of mine to being an author.
If you hover over CONTACT (or tap the + on mobile) you will find this FORUM and a SUBSCRIBE page where you can sign up for the newsletter. Clicking on CONTACT will take you to where you can share your questions and comments with me via email.
ABOUT ME is fairly obvious.
Once again, I humbly thank you for visiting and hope that you will continue to visit. It is my goal to build a community of writers, readers, artists, friends and family.
I hope to see you again soon,